Last week, on November 18, the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development held an interparliamentary committee to look into the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) after 2020 and discuss the development of Strategic Plans in the Member States.
MEP Ulrike Müller (RE, DE), member of the MEP Water Group steering board, emphasized the need to pursue the path from the current CAP to a new delivery model, which is adapted to the future assuring the farmers enough money to perform better, but also provide the ability to meet the goals on environmental protection, sustainability, biodiversity and the protection of water and soils.
On the 23rd of November, the CAP reform got his final approval from the MEP’s in the European Parliament. Rapporteur for the “Horizontal regulation”, Ulrike Müller commented: “Today marks a historic day for the new CAP, a day when we advance towards a more environmentally ambitious, socially aware and performance-oriented agricultural policy.”